Benutzer: Nesix
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Charaktere 2
Charaktername | Level | Rang | Typ | Ereignisse: Ahn'Qiraj Temple Blackwing Lair Molten Core Onyxia's Lair Naxxramas Default |
Default Raids (30 Tage) | Default Raids (Lebenszeit) |
60 60 |
Friend Twink |
Main Twink |
1205 0 1205 |
0% (0/0) 0% (0/0) 0% (0/0) |
4% (1/24) 0% (0/29) 3% (1/29) |
Raidbeteiligungs-Historie 1
Datum | Name | Notiz | Wert |
28.10.20 | Ahn'Qiraj Temple | Pünktlichkeits DKP 1, The Prophet Skeram, Silithid Royalty, Battleguard Sartura, Fankriss the Unyielding, Princess Huhuran, Twin Emperors, C'thun, Ouro, Viscidus | 100 |
Item-Kauf-Historie 1
Datum | Käufer | Name | Raid | Itempool | Wert |
28.10.20 | Nesix | Stachelhalsschmuck | Ahn'Qiraj Temple | default | 100 |
Icon | Ereignis | Raids (Lebenszeit) |
Ahn'Qiraj Temple | 20.00% (1/5) |
Blackwing Lair | 0.00% (0/6) |
Molten Core | 0.00% (0/5) |
Naxxramas | 0.00% (0/6) |
Onyxia's Lair | 0.00% (0/2) |